20 Questions to Ask Before you Choose your Cloud ERP - Download Checklist

Adoption of cloud ERP is on the rise and the Future of ERP is on the Cloud. The benefits of Cloud-based ERP systems are real and empowering. They range from rapid deployment and significant reductions in both capital and operational expenses to enhanced flexibility, scalability and profitability while minimizing risks, cost and disruption to business operations.
ERP vendors too are making a push toward Cloud, bringing together diverse technologies related to mobile, data and analytics as well as collaboration. Businesses considering a Cloud ERP are often left at sea with the vast number of ERP options available in the market. 

Some of the things to consider are:
  • Functional coverage 
  • Ease of implementation 
  • Maturity of Partners 
  • Competitive cost 
  • Ease of use, etc.

Download this checklist to know more about the questions you need to ask before choosing your Cloud ERP.